
Whether at a family festival, a library event or in a school, I always include lots of opportunities for audience involvement and I often add rhythm, songs and story games to the programme. I am able to adapt my approach to suit the age and ability of the children (see Early Years and Special Needs). Some of the programmes I can offer are:

Stories for Under-Fives: see Early Years

Pirate Stories: exciting, absorbing tales with one or two shanties to join in with, these stories are perennially popular.

Nature Stories: encouraging the children to see themselves as part of the natural environment and to develop their sense of responsibility and stewardship.

Myths and Legends: exploring dilemmas, debating right and wrong, developing thinking skills

If you have a particular theme in mind or an event that you would like to tie in with, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss it with you.

Story Workshops for Children All my storytelling performances and workshops can lead to the children developing their skills in speaking and listening as well as their confidence and understanding of narrative. These in turn help to improve reading and writing. I can lead stand-alone storytelling workshops or a workshop can be combined with a performance in the same day.